Build and host decentralized websites from your Mac

FFmpeg Commands for Planet

Planet supports posting videos. You can attach one video per post. Here is a site with many videos:

This page collects useful FFmpeg commands that can enhance video posts for Planet.

Install FFmpeg

FFmpeg is a versatile tool for processing videos.

You can download a static build from the FFmpeg website:

Or install via Homebrew.

brew install ffmpeg

Convert to HEVC

HEVC is the next-generation video format, capable of significantly reducing file size while maintaining visual fidelity. As of May 2024, it is already widely supported.

Use this command to re-encode videos to HEVC:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libx265 -crf 28 -c:a copy -tag:v hvc1 -movflags faststart output-x265.mp4

It is worth noting that the -movflags faststart option is very important for video files intended for web hosting. This option places metadata at the beginning of the video file, allowing browsers to parse it without requiring the entire file to be downloaded.

-crf 28 is used to adjust compression quality. Its valid range is from 0 to 51, where 0 represents lossless compression, 23 is the default, and 51 is the lowest quality possible. A lower value indicates higher quality.

Upscaling with Nearest Neighbor

This command is particularly useful for processing retro gaming videos. For example, to upscale a video by 4x:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -crf 18 -vf "scale=iw*4:ih*4:flags=neighbor" output-4x.mp4

Example output:

Ensure Metadata is at the Beginning

This command ensures that the metadata is placed at the beginning of the file, which is important for web streaming. It does not alter the actual video data; therefore, there is no recompression. It only changes the location of the metadata.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec copy -movflags faststart output.mp4

You can verify the result with the mp4box tool, which can be installed with Homebrew:

brew install mp4box

Use mp4box to inspect a video file:

mp4box -info output.mp4

If you see this line in output, it means the file is good for web streaming:

Progressive (moov before mdat)

This page will be updated regularly as we discover more useful ways to enhance video posts for Planet.

WalletConnect Demo

Here is a video demo of the new tipping feature. You can learn more about this feature in the documentation:

It is implemented with WalletConnect V1.

Planet Feature Update 1 - Video · Data Layer Rewrite · ENS Support

This is the first feature update since we released the app in June 2022.

Video Support

Now you can attach a video to your post. Each post can have at most one video, then the post title and content serve as the title and description of the video. Currently, the app will not recompress the video, so please be mindful of the bitrate of the video you choose to share, as a higher bitrate would need more time to download.

This post has one video! And if you view it with an HDR-capable screen like the ones in the new 14 and 16-inch MBP, you will notice it is an HDR video.

A New Data Layer

We rewrote the components of how the app handles data. It solved some issues that occurred with the initial version, and it also made a lot of views faster. Previously, you will probably notice some slowness when switching to the Unread view. Now that slowness is gone.

From this version, the app starts to send notifications for the new content from the planets you followed.

Improved ENS Support

Now the app can load any ENS that has a working content hash. In the initial version, it only supported ENS with a feed.

If the ENS you follow has an NFT avatar, it will show in the app sidebar!

A faster gateway is used when you try to open ENS links with an external browser without ENS support, like vanilla Safari or Chrome! Here is a comparison. Which one is faster for you?

Planet is a native macOS app for building, publishing, and following websites and blogs on IPFS + ENS. With those decentralized Internet technologies, you have total control of your content, and your fans follow you directly.