Insider Builds

If you want to try the latest features from the Planet app, you can download and install the Insider Builds from the following GitHub location:


Those Insider Builds are more frequently updated and released. Sometimes you may get several new releases a day. We use this release channel to test out new features. So it may have some unstable changes. If you do run into any issues, you can create issues on GitHub:

Q: What is the visible difference between Insider Build and Stable?

They have different app icons. Insider builds use a blue icon like this:

Insider App Icon

While the stable releases have a purple icon like this:

Stable App Icon

The insider builds carry the latest features that will be released into the stable version.

Q: Is it possible to revert to the stable release after using an insider build?

It is not recommended. This is because insider builds and stable releases use the same data directory, and insider builds might introduce new data structures that aren't compatible with stable releases.