Build Instructions

Minimum System Requirement

The minimum system requirement for building and running the app is macOS 12.

Clone the Code

git-lfs is used for managing large binary files, primarily the IPFS binary, in the code repository. The easiest way to set up git-lfs is by cloning the code with GitHub Desktop.

If you want to clone the code using the command line, you'll need to install git-lfs. You can do this by using Homebrew. Here is the complete process:

brew install git-lfs
git lfs install
git clone

If you installed git-lfs after cloning the repository, you will need to fetch several files using the following command:

cd Planet
git lfs pull

IPFS Binary Version

As of the time of this writing, IPFS 0.15 is bundled. We haven't yet upgraded to the most recent version of IPFS due to some unresolved IPNS performance issues:


After cloning the code, create a local.xcconfig file in the Planet folder, alongside the Planet.xcconfig file. This file is used for several local build settings.


You can find your Team ID on the Membership Details page at:

Build the App

Once local.xcconfig is configured, you are ready to build the app. You can choose one of the two schemas to build different versions of the app.

  • Planet
  • Croptop

Code Linting

Most of the new code is linted in VS Code with this extension: